
Ancestry.com. Kanada, besättningslistor för brittiska fartyg, 1881 [webbaserad databas]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Originaldata: Maritime History Archive. 1881 Crew Lists Database. http://www.mun.ca/mha/1881/crews1881.php: accessed 7 February 2014.

 Kanada, besättningslistor för brittiska fartyg, 1881

Databasen för 1881 års besättningslistor innehåller namn på de sjömän som mönstrat på brittiskregistrerade fartyg fram till 1881. Året 1881 hade valts eftersom det sammanföll med folkräkningen i Storbritannien samma år.

The 1881 Crew List Database contains the names of seamen taken from crew agreements from voyages of British registered vessels ending in 1881. The year 1881 was chosen to coincide with the census taken in Britain in the same year. Records extracted from the database include name, vessel, official number, and voyage year. The crew lists themselves may contain additional details, such as:

  • age
  • place of birth
  • date and place he joined the ship
  • date and place when he left the ship or died
  • ship on which last served
  • position
  • wages

You can find an explanation of the headings on the crew lists on the Anatomy of an Agreement page at the Maritime History Archive website.