
Ancestry.com. Ohio, USA, utdrag ur vigselregister, 1970, 1972-2007 [webbaserad databas]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2010.
Originaldata: Ohio Marriage Index, 1970 and 1972-2007. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, 2008.

 Ohio, USA, utdrag ur vigselregister, 1970, 1972-2007

Den här databasen innehåller mer än tre miljoner vigslar i Ohio mellan 1970 och 2007. Registren från 1971 ingår inte eftersom de inte är tillgängliga från Ohio Office of Vital Statistics. Det här är en samling av utdrag som skapats med begränsad information för arkiveringsändamål. Informationen kan användas om man vill hitta vigselbevis från individuella countybevakningsdomstolar. Posterna innehåller namn på brud/brudgum, födelseår, bostadsadress, licensort och vigseldatum.

The more than 3 million marriages that took place in Ohio between 1970 and 2007 are contained in this database. Unfortunately, the information in this database doesn’t include marriages during 1971 because it wasn’t available from the Ohio Office of Vital Statistics. This index isn’t a database of marriage certificates. It contains abstracts that were created with limited information for filing purposes. The abstracts can be used to find the actual marriage certificates in the individual county probate courts that issued the marriage certificate in Ohio. The recent nature of these records provide a chance to flesh out more recent family history over the recent past as well as from 40 years ago.

The index is searchable for:

  • Name of bride/groom
  • Birth year of bride/groom
  • County of residence
  • County of license
  • Marriage date

Search tip

The original index created by the Ohio Department of Health, in some cases, limits the length of a given name to seven characters. Names such as Christian, Elizabeth, Katherine, etc. that are more than seven characters in length may need to be truncated to produce search results. If desired search results are not appearing, please try searching in the given name field using seven letters or less.